During a Lease
Click on the following links that take you to the Residential Tenancies Authority's guidelines.
Completed forms covering these components are provided in the attachment(s) below.
This documentation will be finalisedand presented as a package subject to due process.
Tenant's rights and responsibilities
What the tenant can and cannot do when renting a place to live in Queensland.
Lessor's rights and responsibilities
What the lessor can and cannot do when renting out a premises.
Rent in advance, paying the rent, if the rent goes up, if the rent is decreased.
What is required to charge for water in a rental premises.
Service charges, costs if the agreement is broken.
When the lessor/agent can enter.
What happens when something needs to be fixed.
What to do in the case of emergency.
The process for installing fixtures and making changes to a premises.
What happens if the lessor decides to sell the premises while it is being rented.