ID Requirements
Prospective tenants need to provide personal identification up to the value of 100 points.
To reach this total, you can choose from any of the following:
Group A
Each document is worth 70 points
A fully certified birth certificate (or copy certified by a Justice of the Peace)
A current passport
An Australian citizenship certificate.
Group B
Each document is worth 40 points
(preferably containing a photograph of the applicant)
A current licence or permit issued under Australian law, eg. Driver's licence
Identification issued by Government authorities eg. one of the following
Public Service employee identification
Evidence of your entitlement to financial benefits or other entitlements from the Commonwealth or a State or Territory Government
A student identification card issued by an Australian educational institutionA statement from your employer or an acceptable referee verifying your identity and certifying that they have known you by your name for at least twelve months. (Preferably with a photograph of you signed by the employer or referee).
Group C
Each document is worth 25 points
A valid visa - if just recently arrived in the country
Official correspondence addressed to you such as a public utility account (eg. gas, water, electricity), council rates, bank statement or similar
Bankcard, Visa or other credit card
Any other document which in the opinion of the person to whom it is produced, provides similar verification of the applicant's identity.